Most people in the world have no experience of deep and abiding joy. Even though it is something we all desperately long for, the assurance that true happiness can be known — fully and forever — is a hope that billions of people live every day without. This is a tragedy.

Desiring God is on a mission to change that.

They aim to help people everywhere embrace a profound truth that changes everything about life and eternity: You were created for something greater than yourself. You were formed for something awesome and magnificent.You were made to know glory — God’s glory. And the deepest longings of the human heart can be fully satisfied by pursuing that glory. In fact, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Desiring God call's this truth Christian Hedonism. And declaring it to the world is why they exist.

Everything created and distributed at Desiring God exists to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Here are a few of their most popular resources:

  • Ask Pastor John - Life is hard and often leaves us asking tough questions about God. Listen to John Piper answer these questions from the Bible.
  • Look at the Book - Can we really hear from God by reading the Bible? Absolutely! Watch John Piper study a short passage of Scripture (with color-coded highlights) and learn to know God through his word.
  • Solid Joys - By fueling our minds with truth day after day, our hearts will grow to see God as a satisfying treasure. Read or listen to a short, God-centered devotional from John Piper for every day of the year.

They also have thousands of articlessermonsbooks, and podcasts.