Understanding the Congregation's Authority (9Marks)
Disclaimer: Christian books are a wonderful gift that God has given to the Body of Christ. They help us grow, mature our faith, challenge and sharpen us in truth - but they can never replace the infaillable Word of God given to us in Scripture. The measure of a benecifial book must always be that its premises arise from truths rooted and grounded in the Bible. You will not always agree with everything as put forth in some of the titles we recommend, but we encourage you to read with a discerning spirit (1 John 4:1)
Congregational authority is less about the meetings and more about the mission.
Congregationalism has a bad rap for well-known reasons: inefficient meetings, upstart members, browbeaten ministers. But biblical congregationalism isn’t so much about the meetings. It’s about empowering the whole church to promote and protect the gospel. Pastors lead and equip. Members get to work strengthening one another and pursuing Christ’s mission in the world.