Die Hard Sins by Rush Witt
Disclaimer: Christian books are a wonderful gift that God has given to the Body of Christ. They help us grow, mature our faith, challenge and sharpen us in truth - but they can never replace the infaillable Word of God given to us in Scripture. The measure of a benecifial book must always be that its premises arise from truths rooted and grounded in the Bible. You will not always agree with everything as put forth in some of the titles we recommend, but we encourage you to read with a discerning spirit (1 John 4:1)
THIS BOOK IS ABOUT SINS. Not the ugly, notorious sins we have come to know and hate. But the little, daily sins. The snail-sized sin habits that slither undetected in the shadows and eat up our lives from the inside out.
This book is about the sins that nag us, resist our spiritual treatments, and persist beyond all our measures to contain them. The subtle sins. The respectable and acceptable sins. The resilient and relentless sins. The diehard sins.
Learn how you can enter into your struggle against destructive daily habits, understand your needs in the fight, and bring Christ and His provisions to bear upon your beliefs and desires—equipping yourself to gradually kill the unkillable