Disclaimer: Christian books are a wonderful gift that God has given to the Body of Christ. They help us grow, mature our faith, challenge and sharpen us in truth - but they can never replace the infaillable Word of God given to us in Scripture. The measure of a benecifial book must always be that its premises arise from truths rooted and grounded in the Bible. You will not always agree with everything as put forth in some of the titles we recommend, but we encourage you to read with a discerning spirit (1 John 4:1)

Learn to defend the truth of God's Word.

The Bible stands at the heart of the Christian faith. But this leads to an inescapable question: why should we trust the Bible? Written to help non-Christians, longtime Christians, and everyone in between better understand why God’s word is reliable, this short book explores the historical and theological arguments that have helped lead millions of believers through the centuries to trust the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Written by pastor Greg Gilbert, author of the popular books What Is the Gospel? and Who Is Jesus?, this volume will help Christians articulate why they trust the Bible when it comes to who God is, who we are, and how we’re supposed to live.